The litter in littérateur. Ricky Opaterny on Books, Music, Art, and Sports


A Message from Dawn Kepler

Filed under: Books,General,Save Kepler's — Ricky @ 8:39 pm

Dear Book Lovers,

I want to thank everyone on behalf of my brother, Clark, and our family, for the outpouring of affection and support for Kepler’s. I stood in the plaza and remembered the very first store, saw folks from my father’s time, and just cried to hear the kind words spoken. My brother has given everything he could to the store. He has continued our dad’s vision. My dad didn’t just start a store; he started an idea. He wanted to stop war and he needed an occupation that would support his family while he pursued peace. A book lover himself, he decided that selling books — making all ideas available to everyone — was a way to support himself and, oddly enough, he believed that greater knowledge might bring greater peace!

Someone said if the store reopens it will, of necessity, be different. Folks, the store has been reinvented many times, more than you imagine. But that is what living things do, they change. Kepler’s isn’t just the building, it’s ideas, community, conversation, learning. I think it morphed from being just a family business years ago and became what the readers, the authors, the detractors and the supporters made of it.

First, we have to believe we can change things. Then we will.

Dawn Kepler


  1. Dawn, what an eloquently written and informative message. How nice to hear about some of the history behind the store I grew up with!

    I very much enjoyed meeting you on Tuesday. Clark is lucky to have such a wonderful support system!

    I feel proud to be a part of this groundswell of volunteerism that will be working towards Kepler’s reawakening in the weeks and months to come. And I look forward to seeing this special piece of my childhood thrive once again.

    Fond regards,

    Jan Altman
    Director of Business Development
    DrivAd, Inc.

    Comment by Jan Altman — 9/10/2005 @ 12:21 am

  2. Good to see your note, Dawn. During my “Kepler’s years, ” ’88-’99, there certainly were many, probably not so many apparent to customers. Meeting the challenges changing times in bookselling with determination, optimism, and a great group of co-workers was part of what made working for Clark such a rewarding experience.

    Jude Hsiang

    Comment by Jude Hsiang — 9/10/2005 @ 7:37 pm

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